Empower Civic Engagement and Governance

We empower residents with tools and trainings to solve local problems.

Our Impact

On Civic Engagement and Governance

Views to localized citizen engagement and governance content
3285182 +
Pieces of information exchanged for citizen engagement and governance in communities
5957 +
People trained in citizen engagement
700 +
Say AtmaGo helps them connect better with governments including at the village level
98 %
CSOs have been helped by Atma to increase their community engagement for governance
5957 +
Say they will use AtmaGo to report problems to local governments and village leaders
98 %

AtmaGo serves as a digital democracy tool, that gives opportunities for communities to communicate transparently.

Luthfi Hizba M.sc, Head of the Indonesian Humanitarian and Environmental Volunteers Movement, Tasikmalaya District

Our Approach

Our goal is to lift up community voices so they can lead the way. With front-line communities in the driver’s seat, governments are paying attention to people that had been ignored, and our technology is helping to amplify their voices and their collective action for social good. Local and national governments have also expressed that they need a greater ability to consistently communicate with their constituents, to bubble up effective solutions, and get more information directly from residents on their needs and concerns. 

How we solve this issue
We create solutions for local and national governments and agencies to see and respond to local needs.
We empower residents through trainings and tools to engage with neighbors to solve local problems.
We enable residents to actively participate in setting priorities and monitoring government budgets and implementation.

Atma Tools for Civic Engagement and Governance

We work with communities who often feel “ignored” or “invisible” to government. What these communities usually lack is a lightweight tool that allows them to organize in their neighborhood around local goals and objectives.

Our engagement tools allow people to:
  • Quickly report acute problems, like dangerous streets or downed wires, so agencies can take action.
  • Improve public services by sharing ongoing problems with public services and infrastructure.
  • Facilitate real-world, collective action. People gather together to organize bi-weekly neighborhood clean-ups, to promote eco-tourism, and actually fix roads themselves.
  • Spread effective solutions and mutual support.

Complaint Handling Mechanism

Tracker System for Services and Needs
We created an innovative Complaint Handling System, already in use among public agencies in Indonesia, that allows citizens to easily report complaints and aspirations regarding public services, and includes a custom dashboard for the responding government agency to manage and resolve complaints.
The entire end-to-end technology infrastructure is lightweight and user-friendly, so citizens can easily through a few clicks report a problem, and so staff within the Government agency can easily track incoming complaints, assign responsible staff, and resolve and respond to the issue.

Community Space

Platform for Communities to Grow

Our Community Impact Platform allows organizations that work on disaster preparedness and response to help residents organize events to mitigate, respond to, and recover from disaster. It helps disaster organizations and community networks coordinate their work, reach new members, and increase participation. 

The Community Impact Platform helps organizations track the impact they are having to improve disaster response and recovery through collection of photos, stories and quantifiable goals. Over 160 communities have been created on AtmaGo to generate change, from organizing preparedness events to rebuilding after disaster.


Local Platform and Network

AtmaGo is an award-winning platform for people helping people. It enables neighborhood-based peer-to-peer communication and runs on mobile web and Android. AtmaGo provides personalized feeds based on a user’s location and topic interests.

People receive government early warnings and peer-to-peer hazard alerts on AtmaGo, and an independent evaluation found that people took early action as a result of these warnings, leading to estimated savings of $100M in economic losses and 6,000 years of healthy life per year per million people. AtmaGo has reached over 9M+ people with actionable, life-saving and social impact content.

Trainings and Events

In Person and Virtual Programs

We’ve pioneered curriculum and engagement strategies that bring new people and perspectives to share their needs and solutions online and create change offline. We’ve conducted hundreds of trainings on Digital Literacy and Citizen Journalism, and reached over 5,000 people, including 2,500 women and more than 1,500 youth.
We support people to create real change on the ground through contests and gamification to find, recognize and support the efforts of people working to improve their communities, from home-based hydroponics and neighborhood clean-ups to mangrove planting.

Our Previous Projects on
Civic Engagement and Governance

Examples of previous projects

Knowledge Sharing and Citizen Engagement Platform


We strengthen the capacity, legitimacy, and effectiveness of Civil Society Organizations and improve governance to bring about social change. Reached over 1.5M people with actionable trusted information.

Community Empowerment

Qualcomm Wireless Reach

Qualcomm worked to empower communities through the AtmaGo mobile app. An independent evaluation by CIPG showed that AtmaGo increased social cohesion, and reduced mortality, morbidity and economic loss from disaster. AtmaGo connects Indonesians to economic opportunity through jobs, education, and entrepreneurship events and posts.

Stories of Strengthening Civil Society

We worked with 32 Indonesian Civil Society Organizations (Lead Partners) in districts / municipalities from six provinces in Indonesia.

This book shares the stories and achievements from these 32 Lead Partners, about their ongoing and successful efforts to increase their role in development. These stories are written by these Lead Partners themselves through Atma Connect’s training and guidance.

What they say about Atma's work in
Civic Engagement and Governance

Testimonies from our clients and users