Activate Bottom Up Climate Solutions

We enable vulnerable communities on the front lines of climate change to implement and amplify their adaptation and mitigation solutions.

Our Impact

On Climate Change and Resilience
Views of information related to climate change and resilience which are shared by residents
2437930 +
Pieces of localized information shared by residents on climate change issues, impact, and resilience
4783 +
Residents say they take actions based on information on AtmaGo
85 %

On AtmaGo, we organized an activity to plant Mangrove trees. It helps to provide protection from natural disasters in our area

Siti Sanisah and other AtmaGo citizens, Lombok

Our Approach

The people and communities most vulnerable to the risks stemming from climate change are often the last to receive help implementing their own solutions. Atma Connect is a strong proponent of unleashing the creativity and initiative of people at the last mile so they can chart their path to community resilience. We use a mix of technology and human interaction to encourage and enable resident changemakers. We connect people so they can multiply their strengths and amplify their voices to build climate resilience by sharing and documenting their solutions, and attracting needed funding.
How we solve this issue
We create digital hubs that enable local climate solutions and changemakers to document and aggregate their impact and access support and resources.
We spread best practices developed locally to improve climate resilience and mitigation.
We create solutions for governments and NGOs sharing knowledge and best practices, and engage last mile communities in implementing resilience projects.

Atma Tools for Climate Change and

We use technology platforms and community engagement to align and aggregate locally-led changemaking efforts for climate resilience. These tools allow these actions to be aggregated in a way that it becomes a collective accomplishment and achieves impacts that can only be derived from actions at scale.

We use our platforms to support human connections, to make visible the extent of engagement, and to calculate the value of individual and collective efforts. We provide visibility between government, NGOs, and business CSR departments, so then effective solutions can be spread and worthy projects can be implemented.

Custom Digital Solutions

Hubs and Ecosystems for Social Good

Atma Connect is an expert in creating purpose driven online networks that people actually use, and that result in meaningful change. We have conceptualized a platform to aggregate global action on climate change (for Our Planet Our Future), knowledge sharing platforms (for The Nature Conservancy), platforms for sharing of solutions and best practices (for farmers in Indonesia).

We create custom platforms and engagement strategies that help achieve social goals by engaging, inspiring, and creating value for the people who use them.


Local Platform and Network

AtmaGo is a community’s tool for informing residents about environmental issues and mobilizing them to undertake collective actions for mitigating harms and solving problems.  For example, in Indonesia residents regularly use AtmaGo to organize mangrove planting to slow down soil erosion and schedule beach clean-ups to make them safer for humans and animals. 

In Puerto Rico, AtmaGo is a way people communicate about community gardens, which become a source of sustenance when large storms interrupt food importation from the mainland.

Community Space

Platform for Communities to Grow

Our Community Impact Platform allows organizations that work on disaster preparedness and response to help residents organize events to mitigate, respond to, and recover from disaster. It helps disaster organizations and community networks coordinate their work, reach new members, and increase participation. 

The Community Impact Platform helps organizations track the impact they are having to improve disaster response and recovery through collection of photos, stories and quantifiable goals. Over 160 communities have been created on AtmaGo to generate change, from organizing preparedness events to rebuilding after disaster.

Our Previous Projects on
Climate Change and Resilience

Examples of previous projects

Nature Based Solutions Knowledge Sharing Platform

Nature Conservancy

Atma Connect created an online knowledge sharing platform for local disaster managers on best practices for nature based solutions for disaster risk reduction and resilience. The knowledge sharing platform is created and used by 3 regions scattered globally.

Climate Action Global Platform

Our Planet Our Future

Atma Connect designed a customer-engagement strategy and a website, and conceptualized a platform to capture and aggregate individual carbon reducing actions taken by members of the faith community globally. Designed to to engage 1.5B people in measurable collective climate action.

Peer to Peer Farmers Platform

Ford Foundation - Farmers Helping Farmers

Development and socialization of a platform for farmers helping farmers implement more resilient farming practices in forest dependent communities

What they say about Atma's work in Climate

Testimonies from our clients and users