Enable Digital Literacy, Citizen Journalism, and Prevent Misinformation

We train women, youth, and marginalized communities to find and share their voice toward social change.

Our Impact

On Digital Literacy, Citizen Journalism, and Misinformation

Views of citizen discussions on hoax and fact checking, phising, digital tracing, echo chamber, cyber security, and other topics on literacy
616974 +
Organisations have been helped by Atma on their digital literacy, citizen Journalism, and preventing misinformation knowledge, skills, and capabilities
1157 +
Say Atma trainings and tools fulfil the needs for fact checking news, pictures, and videos to prevent misinformation
98 %
People have been reached by AtmaGo
10000000 +
Say Atma increased their knowledge and practical skills on impact writing and social media utilization for community development
98 %

With this Anti-Misinformation training, I can now detect which images are hoaxes, and what information is opinion or fact.

Rian P., Lebak

Our Approach

In today’s world, digital literacy is increasingly necessary for obtaining information, learning, working, connecting to people, and influencing. Atma puts a premium on helping the digital underserved to get connected and create change. We understand that to unlock that power, digital and information literacy are keys to solve the problem. That is why in person training, robust user engagement strategies, and nurturing users are key to our approach.

How we solve this issue
We help people find reliable, trusted, and actionable information online.
We train people in Citizen Journalism so they can share their impact and solutions online.
We conduct trainings on Digital Literacy and Preventing Misinformation to ensure safe spaces online.
We create vetted, curated crowd sourced content that improves social benefit.

Trainings on Digital Literacy, Citizen Journalism, and Preventing Misinformation

Citizen Journalism for Community Development

Social Media Utilization

Detecting Hoaxes and Fake News

Countering Disinformation

Impact Story Writing

Atma Tools for Digital Literacy, Citizen
Journalism, Misinformation

Atma has been a force for digital literacy, citizen journalism and amplifying unheard voices in three ways.

First, Atma trained 1000s of people through in-person and virtual digital literacy and citizen journalism training sessions, with a focus on women and youth — in urban areas and remote villages, to older people as well as young people. Second, Atma has also trained people in recognizing digital misinformation. Third, Atma’s peer-driven communication network, AtmaGo, is designed to be easy to learn and use, thereby encouraging even digital newcomers to participate online with confidence.

Trainings and Events

In Person and Virtual Programs
We’ve pioneered curriculum and engagement strategies that bring new people and perspectives to share their needs and solutions online and create change offline. We’ve conducted hundreds of trainings on Digital Literacy and Citizen Journalism, and reached over 5,000 people, including 2,500 women and more than 1,500 youth.
We support people to create real change on the ground through contests and gamification to find, recognize and support the efforts of people working to improve their communities, from home-based hydroponics and neighborhood clean-ups to mangrove planting.


Local Platform and Network

AtmaGo is an award-winning platform for people helping people on mobile web and Android that enables locally organized peer-to-peer communication. AtmaGo provides personalized feeds based on a user’s location and topic interests.

The information on AtmaGo is vetted and curated, so misinformation is prevented. AtmaGo is easy to use, and requires low bandwidth to access, making it ideal for first time internet users who are just learning to share their voices online. 

Our Previous Projects on
Digital and Information Literacy

Examples of previous projects

Training Programs

USAID MADANI Digital Literacy

Through MADANI and other programs, Atma has trained over 1000 CSOs and residents in digital literacy, citizen journalism, and preventing disinformation and misinformation.

Training for Resilience

Red Cross

Citizen Journalism for building awareness and demand for earthquake resilient infrastructure.

Focus Groups and Tools for Misinformation Issues

Notre Dame - IREX

Evaluation and focus groups to improve Tools for Preventing Misinformation online.

What they say about Atma's work in
Digital Literacy

Testimonies from our clients and users