Create Economic Opportunity

We help people find jobs, small business owners find employees, and provide trainings, workshops, and podcasts to build skills and entrepreneurship.

Our Impact

On Economic Empowerment
Users are regularly active on our AtmaGo network and the numbers are growing
+ 2500000
Views of discussions on jobs, professional capacity building, SMEs, business opportunity, and economic development
23668032 +
Pieces of information shared by citizens about local economic development
43566 +
CSOs and their members trained on the topic of marketing, circular economy, business entrepreneurship
30 +
Citizens say they take actions based on information on AtmaGo
85 %

"I found employees for my small business by posting on AtmaGo. I tried FB, WA, and IG, but no one responded. Within a short time after posting on AtmaGo I found help."

Herman Gunawan, Business Owner

Our Approach

Economic empowerment is essential to personal and community well-being. Atma is focused on contributing to economic empowerment through a number of pathways. AtmaGo, Atma’s peer-driven communications network, offers citizens access to local information about jobs and a way to find talent in the community. Atma has used its tech-for-good expertise to build online information networks where farmers-help-farmers by sharing lessons learned and business solutions. Atma has also created an online information service for citizens to share information about affordable services.

How we solve this issue
We create marketplaces where small and medium businesses can find employees and people can find local jobs.
We empower entrepreneurs and social entrepreneurs through trainings and mentors, and create platforms that help them share and exchange the value they are creating.

We conduct trainings to uplevel jobseeker skills in storytelling, digital engagement, and service delivery.

Atma Tools for Economic

Atma is currently working with leading humanitarian and development experts and organizations to implement an innovative model for community development that puts economic empowerment at the center of investments.

We use 3.0, pay for performance, and other leading-edge mechanisms to unlock individual agency and impact community economic advancement.

Custom Digital Solutions

Hubs and Ecosystems for Social Good
Atma Connect is an expert in creating purpose driven human networks that people actually use, and that change real things in real places. We have conceptualized a platform to aggregate global action on climate change (for Our Planet Our Future), knowledge sharing platforms (for The Nature Conservancy), platforms for sharing of solutions and best practices (for farmers in Indonesia).
We create custom platforms and engagement strategies that help acheive social goals by engaging, inspiriing, and creating value for the people who use them.

ESG Builder

Impact Maker for Corporates and Organizations

The ESG Builder is an impact hub which enables Companies and Governments to directly engage with last mile changemakers to achieve their SDG goals.

The ESG builder connects companies and governments to local changemakers and provides a suite of tools to enable both sponsors and changemakers to work effectively.  For sponsoring organizations, we provide a Customized Dashboard so they can track, quantify and validate the impact of projects they support.  Our tools make it easy to aggregate impact, and share stories and photos with stakeholders.


Local Platform and Network
AtmaGo is an award-winning platform for people helping people on mobile web and Android that enables locally organized peer-to-peer communication. AtmaGo provides personalized feeds based on a user’s location and topic interests.

People use AtmaGo’s peer-driven communications network to access local information about jobs and to find talent in the community. Residents also use AtmaGo to share and teach about entrepreneurship, and share their local businesses and recommendations with neighbors.

Our Previous Projects on
Economic Empowerment

Examples of previous projects

Knowledge Sharing and Citizen Engagement Platform

USAID MADANI Economic Empowerment

Created a platform to link Companies with Impact Makers in Civil Society so they can directly engage in funding impact towards the SDGs.

Peer to Peer Farmers Platform

Ford Foundation - Farmers Helping Farmers

Development and socialization of a platform for farmers helping farmers implement more resilient farming practices in forest dependent communities

What they say about Atma's work in
Economic Empowerment

Testimonies from our clients and users